Sunday, February 7, 2010

Egg Drop Propellers Egg Drop Project?

Egg drop project? - egg drop propellers

Like a pear shaped "egg" project only with paper and tape?
I thought, maybe add a propeller and parachute, but I do not know what's better .. ideads all?


Ayame said...

I would probably be some kind of a round cushion made of paper and ribbon. Have you ever seen a balloon Origami? I would something like tape, and all together, maybe two levels deep, with the egg in the middle. Also specify what kind of role? Thicker paper, which bear better.

k_lubins... said...

When we order an egg drop project, my eggs laid in a half empty jar of peanut butter and placed in a shoebox and beaten. My teacher pulled the roof of the school 4 times and never been broken. Me and A +!

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