Monday, February 15, 2010

Photo Pictures Brazilian Bikin Wax Results Snake Names?

Snake Names? - photo pictures brazilian bikin wax results

Although they have asked themselves this question before, I do not know what the name of my snake.

This is a Brazilian rainbow boa be a man ... I thought of Rocky ... is that a bad reputation ...

Here are some photos ... ... ...

% Http: / / / gifs / Juvenille ...

That's very nice ... ...

They glow blue because the color schemes work like prisms, .... is super good, not to say, something like the monster, with only about 6 feet long and about 10 pounds.

Thanks for any help.


dixie58 said...

Why not a murderer? or Billy Bob? Why a snake? Are you really ready to seriously look into the matter and keep you safe and the people? If not, please reconsider, and get a cat or a dog or instead.nothing great cycle of happiness either.good.

MaryBerr... said...

Rocky is a rare disease. What someing as the Tacoma name "or" bugs "or" Borges "or" Madori .... There are so very cool, are not that common.

Have fun with your new pet!

Amanda O said...

I asked my brother, and he said he would call Hunter. I think he called "Prism" by the color of the rainbow appear.

Cassandr... said...


OkayLets... said...

Rocky sounds good for a man, a snake when I rock you name it I gave me an idea Thank you a lot of rain can also phone or bow and beautiful paintings have been exhibited

noday.bu... said...

I like going to Greek and Roman names for reptiles. This is a powerful and unique! The name of my corn snake is Hercules. But there are others such as Apollo, Hermes, Saturn, Mars, ..

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