Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mrsa Contagious Is MRSA Contagious If You Do Not Have An Open Sore?

Is MRSA Contagious If You Do Not Have An Open Sore? - mrsa contagious

My friend was so I can, even if his contract is gone? or MRSA, such as cold sores, when they return on vacation? Please give me all kinds of information. That is not to think about sex. only kisses and lots of body contact. was on his face and legs, but it was 2 years ago. my friend (who is the grandfather MRSA) says: I'm fine and she can not get. Please help. Thank you.


Guybert said...

No, MRSA is a bacterium of a species of staphylococci (caused. Aureus), in contrast to herpes or other viral infections. When gone, gone. You're in luck, because it is very difficult to treat, as I'm sure you know. But if there for 2 years, which are both good.

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