Koolaid Kid said...

Because they are the Liberals and the liberals always the same, they did not say it. You must refer to something other than Hollywood Kiddo.

Third Uncle said...

To exercise care in where and when he said she did not like big business.

squeegie said...

Hippocrates? You mean the doctors?

vegaswom... said...

This is just a wild guess, but .................... could be that most of them are rank hypocrites?

Anonymous said...

Who says they hate big business?

yupchage... said...

It is part of the oath of hypocrites.

jazzkidz... said...

Quite simply, because both sides.

Remember, these are the same idiots curious Holly feels quite right to say a bicycle, take a cold shower and use a clothesline. To take all this while its Hummer limousine GulfStreamV a room with 30 "basic" for a weekend.

El P said...

The Liberals are Hippocrates. You must first identify the location, a liberal too. Here are some tips:

1: You have always without valuables.
2: He never returns.
3: They have no long-term memory, so that the seesaw.
4: If more than talk to an audience, everyone tries to do, and the other with a radical idea. Here is a conversation is heard more than two liberal talk the other day at work.
LIB1: Do you know about the rape case in the news. They gave the kid 5 years in prison.
Lib2: You can kill someone, and do not use that for many years. He got the shaft.
LIB1: You know how these girls there dress, as he could on probation control that would have happened.
Lib2: She claimed, so we know she has had sex freely and wanted something for her.
LIB1: the black letter, they should be in jail.
Lib2: Let me abortion and call it a fact, and release.
LIB1: For all who lived there must be something.

Among theThemes SE, believe it is the responsibility of large companies to give them. Nothing else can say about it.

Anonymous said...

many assumptions here ... above all, they hate big business ... Some might, but in reality, the film is very rich ... so you do not hate him so much ...

the essential ... I see some quotes to have before the support of a Hollywood celebrity adoption, the gift bags ... because the facts do not buy it from spreading ...

just because you do not like war, does not mean that the Communist ... Anyone who thinks that you are a communist ...

It looks like a "my data is based on stereotypes," kind of question ...

dlgfdg said...

Because people like Tom Cruise-class snobs, who would be more than 10 percent to accept a free pencil. What is the new name of the children? Celeste, Cleopatra, or something that he like to live.

Boston Mark said...

I do not know where the beautiful people? What do you think?

Boston Mark said...

I do not know where the beautiful people? What do you think?

Marc B. said...

Then follow many of these celebrities who are unaware Airheads like the trends of the times. Look at all the celebrities (which converts to Kabbalah sp?) And just because Scientology is the cool thing to do. There are a number of them, people like Mumia Abu-Jamal support (murder), not because they believe so much in the cause, but because it more attention.

nostrada... said...

You want some cheese with that whine ...

Mr Bellows said...

A word HYPOCRITE !!!!!!!!!!!

Shark Sandwich said...

uh ... because you're free ....

They do not hate big business .... Companies who hate sweatshops working, do not pay their employees fairly and taking advantage of weak labor unions in other countries and to manipulate the stock. Liberals like Warren Buffett, how business operates - a good salary and high ethical .... Buffet and was a Liberal Democrat. Include?

Horton said...

Non-Giftbag over $ 71K, because the IRS and reporting of gifts. are more $ 500 gift bags

Tin Foil Fez said...

Watch Oscar for a hat with a film this year designed by me.

susi said...

Do not act so surprised by this fact! The overpayment, the people are all tasteless idea. (not to mention that if overrated).

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